Plan ahead and complete the new patient intake forms before coming in! Every new patient starts with a detailed history to discuss your goals and medical history. This will be followed by orthopedic and neurological testing to establish your baseline. This appointment includes extra time just for you, so that we can create the best treatment plan for you!
Exam & 1st Treatment | 45 mins
Want to focus on soft tissue (muscle), injury treatment or prevention? We offer this type of appointment with either additional time to add on to your adjustment OR as a solo service after an initial intake. What to expect: Dry needling, cupping, soft tissue mobilization techniques and therapeutic exercises. Techniques based in: Functional and Kinetic Treatment with Rehab (FAKTR) and Selective Functional Movement Assessments (SFMA)
Adjustment & Performance Care* | 30 mins
*Dry needling is NOT billable to insurance, $30 fee with insurance
Performance Care Only (Soft tissue, includes Dry Needling):
15 minutes | $65 | not billable to insurance
We offer a variety of techniques, including low force, to meet everyone’s comfort level! Whether you are looking wellness, injury, pediatric or pregnancy care, we have divided the appointment types when booking to maximize your appointment time for a more targeted treatment! Techniques offered: Diversified, Activator, Webster (pregnancy care), Thompson Drop, Mckenzie Protocol
Adjustment | 15 mins
Chiropractic care at Cleaveland Chiropractic spans further than musculoskeletal care. We love to talk about supplements, mental health and clean swaps in this office! Head to the products page to find our favorite tools to supplement your care on our Amazon and related pages. We utilize Fullscript for supplements!
included in care
*AT LIFT: We offer weight training assessments. Not sure if your deadlift is in a good position or want to learn progressions or regressions? This is the service for you.
30 minutes | $100 | not billable to insurance
ALL patients will receive a thorough examination. Your first chiropractic treatment or performance therapy will also be on this visit. 45 minutes.
This visit is for patients returning to care after 1 year absence, a new injury or goal, or for patients moving from active injury treatment to wellness. 30 minutes.
After completing a new patient exam, this service is for all ages on their prescribed treatment plans or wellness visits. 15 minutes.
Webster Technique and BirthFit philosophies. To balance the pelvis, muscles and ligaments that support your growing baby. 15 minutes.
For all ages, this appointment type includes rehabilitation and related therapies, such as: cupping and dry needling. 15 minutes alone or 30 minutes as an add-on to chiropractic care.
At LIFT, we are offering introductory movement assessment and workout evaluations. This will include progression and regression work.
Patient education is the foundation of our care. Giving patients the information and tools they need to manage or prevent pain is the best treatment we can offer. “When you educate one person you can change a life, when you educate many you can change the world.” -Shai Reshef
Going the extra mile every appointment is what we do. We are here to cheer you on to finish your 5k, deliver your baby, carry your heavy groceries up the stairs, but also to motivate you to make the hard decisions to achieve whatever you want in life. “It is health that is the real wealth, and not pieces of gold and silver.” -Mahatma Gandhi
We strive to be an example through all aspects of life. You can count on us to practice what we preach: lifting heavy weights, eating balanced meals and talking about healthy choices. We hope to inspire a community to strive for health-span > lifespan. “The greatest medicine is to teach people how not to need it.” -Hippocrates